Saturday, November 2, 2013

Paleo Pilaf

Hey anyone (or two) people who might actually read this. Tonight I made cauliflower rice pilaf. It turned out very delicious. Not so pretty to look at but I'm getting back on track. That's what matters.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'm back! Phase 1 here i am.

So I realize that no one reads this but it helps me stay on track to post my progress. I'm back on South Beach phase one. Its really hard for me so I hope this helps me eat right. Today I spent a good part of the day trying to prep some lunches for this week. I made curried chicken salad , a lemon tuna bean salad, and some phase one cookies. I toasted some chickpeas yesterday for a snack so I feel pretty prepared to start the week, and the diet. Here goes!